What Do (real) Irish People Think of St. Patrick's Day☘️
Dear parents who are really Irish (read: people born in Ireland),
The Americans who still claim your heritage despite their Irish genetic makeup equaling approximately .0000098 percent...we are sorry. We’ve taken your great history and have watered it down in Mardi Gras style emerald beads and rivers dyed neon green (looking at you Chitown.) In the name of getting black out drunk by noon, we realize we don’t have a damn clue what we’re even celebrating** In our attempt to reconcile with our American March past, Citykin thought it’d be nice to ask YOU (read: real Irish parents) what you think of American celebrating? Bastardizing? Evolving? your great Irish holiday. So here we go. We asked our Irish Citykin contingency to DM us some thoughts and boy did they ever!
Let it ALL out Irish parent friends! Here is your microphone to say anything you want:
This is Beau and Harlow who are real Irish (read: mom and dad born in Ireland) and live in Brooklyn. They are assimilating quite well to the American Irish holiday fashion.
“I find it hilarious that St Patrick's day is a bigger event in the States vs Ireland even though it is a bank and school holiday event here.”
“The most annoying thing ever is that Americans call it "St Patty's" - it is only EVER called St Patrick's or St PADDY's in Ireland.” (guilty)
“I see loads of signs here saying "come and celebrate St Patty's" and I want to run in and scream (but I don't as that would be crazy!) (Noted…just say no to the double Ts.)
“What annoys me about St.Patricks Day… 99% chance of precipitation and a bouncy blow dry becoming big and fuzzy whilst watching a sh*t parade of smug marching kids with your own whining ones........” (OMG spirit animal?)
“Living in Ireland there is less need for such affirmation hence green rivers in Chicago and green beer and similar hued shakes as found in McDonalds. We can't escape our Irishness let alone need reminding.” (Go big or go home?)
“I’ve never done the parade here simply because I couldn't face it with a toddler in tow but I imagine it's a pretty fun thing.” (instincts about right…)
“As a parent St Patrick's day means getting to have an extra ' Sunday' during the week: no work and more family time. As a child it means you get to Jay walk on the streets, wear silly hats and ingest a monthly ration of treats in one day. For alcoholics and those looking for the answer in beer: be it green or golden, it is just another day except they feel less alone amongst busy streets.” (what if you tick all the boxes?)
“There has been a cultural shift away from the pub here on St Patrick's day ( and in general) and it is now more focused on family and spending the day with same.”
“The green drinks thing is definitely an American invention as far as I'm aware - I've definitely never had a green drink before!”
“Overall I think it's nice that St Paddy's is a thing here and I like walking in to shops and restaurants and seeing something about St Patrick's Day as it makes me feel like people here like the Irish ☘️”
“If you live in Ireland you WILL go to a midday local parade consisting of:
- groups of young and old children parading in groups . All representing an extra curricular activity be it dancing , singing or a sport . Simultaneously they will walk past barricaded children who regard them with a jealous envy and a slight sense of inadequacy.
- there will be some direct marketing by local businesses who are have to turn festive and green for the day and promote their wares on top of decorated floats . Bribes of sweets and treats are distributed and everyone is happy.”
“I will say though that I've seen so many bakeries and cafes advertising their "Irish soda bread" - I've even tasted some and it is literally the furthest thing from an Irish soda bread that I've ever seen but it's nice that people are making the effort.”
”They celebrate it more and with greater gusto in the States.”
“Most larger cities in Ireland are starting to celebrate in similar ways too -a lot of booze, green everything and tacky decor.” (Just bringing our fine culture abroad.)
A house in the Carroll Gardens neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. Subtle…. I don’t think so. ☘️
“I find it flattering and humbling to see our heritage and culture celebrated and treasured so much.”
“The Americans make a good attempt to celebrate most events and occasions and tend to go over the top (guilty) on all of them so St. Paddy’s Day is no exception.” (he knows us so well.)
“As an Irish person living here I love the fact that St Patrick's Day is celebrated here and so widely known. It feels nice to think that people here think about our wee country and want to celebrate it in some way. At home it's celebrated much more by younger people who generally want to go out and get very drunk. There's a big parade in Dublin and a smaller one in Belfast and a few other cities but I've never even been to one before. I celebrated it as a student many times but not so much as a "grown up”. People do the getting very drunk thing or celebrate with a family meal or have friends over -that kind of thing.”
***St Patrick's has been lost in its' raison d'etre although it is no longer a reason to celebrate a snake banishing saint but an event to celebrate and embrace 'Irishness' and Irish ancestry