City Tip: Meal Planning In Tiny Kitchens
We live in a tiny apartment & our refrigerator/freezer is small so we can't really bulk freeze. Any suggestions or tips for meal planning?
-Rachel -Brooklyn mom of two.
@weelicious Food blogging before it was a thing, cookbook author, One Potato founder, kitchen goals and expert in all things family and food.
Figure out as a family your ten favorite foods and keep them on hand (ex: rotisserie chicken, frozen broccoli, sweet potatoes, etc.) When you’re able to mix and match foods you love, it cuts down on the need to over buy and stock up on foods that may go to waste.
@dylandreyernbc TODAY show meteorologist, passionate home-cook and kitchen-space-deprived-mom-of-one.
We only buy what we need for a day or two. I used to stock up all the time, so it's a lifestyle change. I always have a few standbys on hand for when we're too busy to shop, which helps in a pinch. I've also started doing Hello Fresh, which sends 3 meals to our house every week. That has been a huge help as no leftovers to store!